13 research outputs found

    Exploiting the robot kinematic redundancy for emotion conveyance to humans as a lower priority task

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    Current approaches do not allow robots to execute a task and simultaneously convey emotions to users using their body motions. This paper explores the capabilities of the Jacobian null space of a humanoid robot to convey emotions. A task priority formulation has been implemented in a Pepper robot which allows the specification of a primary task (waving gesture, transportation of an object, etc.) and exploits the kinematic redundancy of the robot to convey emotions to humans as a lower priority task. The emotions, defined by Mehrabian as points in the pleasure鈥揳rousal鈥揹ominance space, generate intermediate motion features (jerkiness, activity and gaze) that carry the emotional information. A map from this features to the joints of the robot is presented. A user study has been conducted in which emotional motions have been shown to 30 participants. The results show that happiness and sadness are very well conveyed to the user, calm is moderately well conveyed, and fear is not well conveyed. An analysis on the dependencies between the motion features and the emotions perceived by the participants shows that activity correlates positively with arousal, jerkiness is not perceived by the user, and gaze conveys dominance when activity is low. The results indicate a strong influence of the most energetic motions of the emotional task and point out new directions for further research. Overall, the results show that the null space approach can be regarded as a promising mean to convey emotions as a lower priority task.Postprint (author's final draft

    Determinaci贸 de configuracions d'un conjunt robot/m脿-mec脿nica per a la presa d'objectes

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    En aquest treball s鈥檈xplica la implementaci贸 d鈥檜n algoritme per a resoldre la cinem脿tica inversa amb col路lisions d鈥檜na m脿 mec脿nica de quatre dits i trenta graus de llibertat. Aix铆, l鈥檕bjectiu consisteix en, donats quatre punts de contacte sobre un objecte i les orientaciones de les potencials forces de pressi贸, obtenir una configuraci贸 de la m脿 que fa que els dits els assoleixin, i garantint que no existeix cap col路lisi贸 en la m脿. El model cinem脿tic de la m脿 emprat en el projecte correspon a la m脿 mec脿nica MA-I, disponible en el laboratori de rob貌tica de l鈥橧nstitut d鈥橭rganitzaci贸 i Control (IOC) de la UPC. L鈥檈nfoc emprat en el projecte es basa en l鈥櫭簊 del jacobi脿 de la m脿. Inicialment, s鈥檕bt茅 una configuraci贸 inicial de la m脿; a continuaci贸 es van obtenint, de forma iterativa i mitjan莽ant el jacobi脿, noves configuracions que apropen els dits als punts de contacte. I aix铆 fins a obtenir una configuraci贸 satisfact貌ria o fins que la progressi贸 s鈥檈stabilitza; en aquest darrer cas es genera una nova configuraci贸 inicial i s鈥檌tera de nou; i aix铆 fins que s鈥檃ssoleix una configuraci贸 v脿lida. Pel que fa a les configuracions inicials, en totes elles el polze satisf脿 les condicions del seu punt de contacte, deixant variable el grau d鈥檕bertura de la m脿. Per tal de determinar la millor seq眉猫ncia d鈥檕bertures es va realitzar un estudi estad铆stic offline que optimitza l鈥檃lgoritme, permetent emprar una sola comprovaci贸 de col路lisions per cada posici贸 inicial. Tamb茅 es presenta una interf铆cie gr脿fica que permet graficar una seq眉猫ncia de configuracions i comprovar visualment si es produeixen col路lisions. Tot el codi incloent la interf铆cie s鈥檋a desenvolupat en C/C++, fent-lo multiplataforma. El resultat 茅s una eina que resol fins el 97.71% dels casos, en un temps mitj脿 aproximat de 41 ms, i permet una visualitzaci贸 gr脿fica; aquesta eina es presum adaptable a qualsevol tipus de m脿 mec脿nica. Aquest treball no queda tancat, obre m茅s possibilitats d鈥檕ptimitzaci贸 i nous enfocs, podent incorporar-lo en el marc d鈥檃ltres projectes de m茅s envergadura

    Teleoperating a mobile manipulator and a free-flying camera from a single haptic device

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    漏 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksThe paper presents a novel teleoperation system that allows the simultaneous and continuous command of a ground mobile manipulator and a free flying camera, implemented using an UAV, from which the operator can monitor the task execution in real-time. The proposed decoupled position and orientation workspace mapping allows the teleoperation from a single haptic device with bounded workspace of a complex robot with unbounded workspace. When the operator is reaching the position and orientation boundaries of the haptic workspace, linear and angular velocity components are respectively added to the inputs of the mobile manipulator and the flying camera. A user study on a virtual environment has been conducted to evaluate the performance and the workload on the user before and after proper training. Analysis on the data shows that the system complexity is not an obstacle for an efficient performance. This is a first step towards the implementation of a teleoperation system with a real mobile manipulator and a low-cost quadrotor as the free-flying camera.Accepted versio

    Determinaci贸 de configuracions d'un conjunt robot/m脿-mec脿nica per a la presa d'objectes

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    En aquest treball s鈥檈xplica la implementaci贸 d鈥檜n algoritme per a resoldre la cinem脿tica inversa amb col路lisions d鈥檜na m脿 mec脿nica de quatre dits i trenta graus de llibertat. Aix铆, l鈥檕bjectiu consisteix en, donats quatre punts de contacte sobre un objecte i les orientaciones de les potencials forces de pressi贸, obtenir una configuraci贸 de la m脿 que fa que els dits els assoleixin, i garantint que no existeix cap col路lisi贸 en la m脿. El model cinem脿tic de la m脿 emprat en el projecte correspon a la m脿 mec脿nica MA-I, disponible en el laboratori de rob貌tica de l鈥橧nstitut d鈥橭rganitzaci贸 i Control (IOC) de la UPC. L鈥檈nfoc emprat en el projecte es basa en l鈥櫭簊 del jacobi脿 de la m脿. Inicialment, s鈥檕bt茅 una configuraci贸 inicial de la m脿; a continuaci贸 es van obtenint, de forma iterativa i mitjan莽ant el jacobi脿, noves configuracions que apropen els dits als punts de contacte. I aix铆 fins a obtenir una configuraci贸 satisfact貌ria o fins que la progressi贸 s鈥檈stabilitza; en aquest darrer cas es genera una nova configuraci贸 inicial i s鈥檌tera de nou; i aix铆 fins que s鈥檃ssoleix una configuraci贸 v脿lida. Pel que fa a les configuracions inicials, en totes elles el polze satisf脿 les condicions del seu punt de contacte, deixant variable el grau d鈥檕bertura de la m脿. Per tal de determinar la millor seq眉猫ncia d鈥檕bertures es va realitzar un estudi estad铆stic offline que optimitza l鈥檃lgoritme, permetent emprar una sola comprovaci贸 de col路lisions per cada posici贸 inicial. Tamb茅 es presenta una interf铆cie gr脿fica que permet graficar una seq眉猫ncia de configuracions i comprovar visualment si es produeixen col路lisions. Tot el codi incloent la interf铆cie s鈥檋a desenvolupat en C/C++, fent-lo multiplataforma. El resultat 茅s una eina que resol fins el 97.71% dels casos, en un temps mitj脿 aproximat de 41 ms, i permet una visualitzaci贸 gr脿fica; aquesta eina es presum adaptable a qualsevol tipus de m脿 mec脿nica. Aquest treball no queda tancat, obre m茅s possibilitats d鈥檕ptimitzaci贸 i nous enfocs, podent incorporar-lo en el marc d鈥檃ltres projectes de m茅s envergadura

    Efficient and practical determination of grasping con gurations for anthropomorphic hands

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    The paper presents a methodology to rapidly solve the inverse kinematics of anthropomorphic hands, which is particularized for a mechanical hand considering 27 degrees of freedom. Given the contact points and normal directions on an object surface, the proposed algorithm nds the joint values and the wrist position and orientation that make the ngertips satisfy the contact constraints. The approach combines an iterative algorithm with an o - line analysis that allows signi cant reductions of the execution time. The approach has been implemented and the paper includes application examples. The e ectiveness and fast execution of the algorithm is demonstrated with statistical results